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Top 10 tips for Fitting Exercise into your work life

Can't fit exercise into you day? Here are the top ten tips for it be a possibility:

1. Choose an activity you enjoy – you don't have to do crossfit or go to the gym, any activity that increases your heart rate will help improve your fitness and health as long as it is done consistently.

2. Set your alarm early – Do your work out in the morning so the day’s tasks don’t distract you and not go later in the day.

3. Lunch break workout – really make the best of that 60-minute lunch, even if you can’t get to the gym then you could go for a short walk or at least do some squats.

4.Take the Stairs - walk up the stairs each day at work rather then take the lift. Try and beat your time each day.

5. Make it a priority – Everything you do in the workday is scheduled. Make exercise an appointment in your diary that cannot be changed.

6. Exercise with a friend – find someone who wants to exercise with you and be accountable to one another.

7. Use exercise as your mode of transport – run, walk, and ride to work. Especially in peak hour traffic you may find that you get there quicker.

8. Make housework your exercise – running up and down the stairs with a laundry basket is both a cardio and weight work out. See how fast you can get chores done.

9. Ad break exercise – during the ads of your favourite TV shows so some push-ups, sit ups, burpees etc during each ad break. So that your TV time also becomes your exercise time and it mimics HIIT.

10. And remember that 3 sessions of 4 minutes a week with not only improve your fitness but also your health.

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