To Rest or not To Rest
One of the keys to obtaining results is to have rest days. Research time and again shows that by having a week off training you will...
Lactic Acid is BAD
There is a common misconception in the fitness industry that the pain you feel days post workout is due to lactic acid and that lactic...
Training Myths 103
The belief that muscle will turn into fat when you stop training is something that is often bandied about the fitness industry by...
Training Myths 102
The second training myth is that by doing higher reps and more sets is that you will obtain better muscle definition or get "toned". ...
Training Myth 101
One of the common misconceptions in the fitness industry is that if you lift heavy and without 100% biomechanically correct technique you...
Up Periscope Nutrition
Are you often confused about what to eat and when to eat? Are your training results not exactly what you are after? Do you want more...
Water but Do Not Drink It!
Why does tap water taste different after it has been left to sit out overnight in a glass? Chlorine in treated water is able to control...
Survival of the Fittest
Last night Mick Fanning a shark while in the final of a Professional Surfing Event in South Africa attacked an Australian surfer. What...
Not A Nutritionist, Not a Problem - Seriously
The article posted below says Not a Nutritionist Not a Problem share and provide nutrition advice to people based on your own journey and...
Who gets the credit?
Who deserves the credit for your results?