The Key to unlocking your business potential.
Do you have trouble building your fitness or network marketing business? This is the first in a series of PowerPoint presentations aimed...
4 minutes
What can be achieved in 4 minutes? In 1954 Roger Bannister broke the record for running the mile in under 4 minutes. It was a feat that...
In 10 weeks what are you able to achieve?
Yesterday I spoke about training less and getting better results. Here is a perfect example of what happens when you follow the system,...
Can you allocate 4 minutes 3 times a week to improve your fitness levels, blood pressure and metabolic responses? This video will...
Are you always tired?
Are you always tired? Do you have trouble losing body fat? You may have done some metabolic damage by following previous fad diets and...
Supplements are they worth it?
Do you use supplements to help with your sporting or physical performance? This video we show you the power of what can be achieved when...
American Football: Why power is sexy.
One of the key aspects of being successful in American Football is that you must not only be strong , fast, mobile and powerful but each...